"The death of Major Peirson" By J.S. Copley R.A.

"The death of Major Peirson"  By J.S. Copley R.A.
Added by John Barking
Face value 7p 10p 15p and 17 1/2p
Catalog code (Michel) JE BL2
Catalog code (Scott) JE 245a
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Souvenir Sheet
Print run 469953
Issue date 06/01/1981
Designer John Singleton Copley
Print technique photogravure
Printed by Courvoisier (Helio Courvoisier) S. A.
Perforation comb 12 1/2
Height 97.00 mm
Width 145.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Who has it for trade:
John Barking