100 Cruzeiros Reais on 100,000 Cruzeiros ND (1993)

100 Cruzeiros Reais on 100,000 Cruzeiros ND (1993) 100 Cruzeiros Reais on 100,000 Cruzeiros ND (1993)
Added by GEORGE
General Description Brown, green and purple on multicolor underprint. Hummingbird feeding nestlings at center, butterfly at right.
Signatures: Fernando H. Cardoso / Paulo Ximenes.
Series # 6291-6733.
Back: Butterfly at left, IguacĂș cataract at center.
Watermark: Sculptured head of Brasilia.
Catalog code P#238
Material Paper
Printed by Brazil - Casa de Moeda (CdM)
Catalog prices VF $0.20   UNC $1.00  


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