2 Dollars 1954 - signatures Bouey-Rasminsky

2 Dollars 1954 - signatures Bouey-Rasminsky 2 Dollars 1954 - signatures Bouey-Rasminsky
Added by Bruce Weese
General Description The 1954 notes were printed by the Canadian Bank Note Company and British American Banknote Company. The $2 notes were printed by the British American Banknote Company. The imprint of the banknote companies are located at the bottom centre of the notes. Both companies produced the $1 and $5 notes. These notes are English/French bilingual.
Front Description The modified 1954 portrait of Queen Elizabeth II appears on this note. Serial numbers are two lettered, stacked like a fraction. Signatures appear on the front and so is the name of the company that printed this banknote, which in the case of this note was always the British American Banknote Company for the 1954 series of $2 bills.
Back Description The 1954 series depicted vignettes of Canadian life. The $2 note is reddish brown in colour and depicts rural life in Canada where beautiful pastures are common and the church is often the only communal gathering spot within kilometres.
Catalog code P#76c
Height 69.85 mm
Width 152.40 mm
Material Paper
Catalog prices VG $2.25   VF $3.00   UNC $15.00  

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Who has it for trade:
Drew Howard