10 Lei 2015

10 Lei 2015 10 Lei 2015
Added by Ion Postolache
Front Description The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova, inscriptions "REPUBLICA MOLDOVA" and "ȘTEFAN CEL MARE", the portrait of Ştefan cel Mare, a national multi-coloured ornament, two vertical decorative elements, the central rosette, nominal value printed in figures and words, the abbreviation "BNM", facsimile „GUVERNATOR, D. Drăguţanu", circle wording "PE-UN PICIOR DE PLAI, PE-O GURA DE RAI...", victory token - „V", the year of banknote issuance "2015", banknote number and series, the inscription „FALSIFICAREA ACESTOR BILETE SE PEDEPSEŞTE CONFORM LEGILOR".
Back Description The graphic image of Hîrjauca Monastery within a frame and under which the inscription „MĂNĂSTIREA HÎRJAUCA”, nominal value in figures and words, two vertical decorative elements,the Coat of Arms of Ştefan cel Mare, stylised image of the Column of Traian, Column of Infinity and between them a crescent moon, inscription „BANCA NAŢIONALĂ A MOLDOVEI” and the NBM logo.
Catalog code P#22
Height 61.00 mm
Width 121.00 mm
Material Paper
Catalog prices UNC $3.00  

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Who wants it:
Vlad Lutic

Who has it for trade:
Ion Postolache Iordache Gabriel