100 Rubles 1991

100 Rubles 1991 100 Rubles 1991
Added by Stanciu Catalin-Razvan
General Description The last series of russion bills with the mark "CCCP"
Front Description In the left side of the bill is the portrait of V.I. Lenin and on his right the simbol of the Sovietic Union, and on the right side of the bill is the nominal value 100 and the year 1991
Back Description In the center you can see a part of the Red Square from Moscow and the nominal value 100, and on the left side of the bill is the nominal value 100
Catalog code 243
Height 70.00 mm
Width 139.00 mm
Material Paper
Catalog prices VG $1.00   VF $2.00   UNC $15.00  

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Curcudel Marius GEORGE

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