5¢ aircraft carrier launch 2004

5¢ aircraft carrier launch 2004 5¢ aircraft carrier launch 2004
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description 5th printing Serial 5 D 51 August 2004
When soldiers were first sent to Afghanistan, there was a shortage of coins in the AAFES system, so small cost items such as candy were used as change. This system was not optimal, and AAFES wanted to make maximal use of their available shipping weight for goods for the soldiers and not use-up part of that weight to ship coins. It was suggested to use plasticized paper disc to act as an "IOU". This idea was developed and AAFES instituted the use discs, called "POGs", in the value of 5, 10, 25 cents. They are manufactured at the AAFES facility in Dallas.
Front Description Based on moments in the Armed Forces: Propellor aircraft being launched off an aircraft carrier
Back Description AAFES across the top and Gift Certificate curved across the bottom, with the denomination in the center.
Width 38.50 mm
Material Paper
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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