2 Euro 2004 World Food Programme

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Added by Andrei C
In personal collections 22
Rev. Description In the centre is the globe, tilted to the right and bearing the inscription ‘WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME’. An ear of wheat, an ear of maize and an ear of rice, the three grains representing the world's basic sources of nourishment, emerge from behind the globe. To the right of the globe is an ‘I’ superimposed on an ‘R’, denoting ‘Repubblica Italiana’, below which there appears a smaller combination of the letters U and P, the initials of the engraver, Uliana Pernazza. To the upper left of the globe is the mint mark ‘R’ and under the globe is the year – ‘2004’. The 12 stars of the European Union are positioned around the outer circle.
Catalog code KM# 237
Mintage 16,000,000
Diameter 25.70 mm
Thickness 2.20 mm
Weight 8.5300 g
Material Bi-metallic Copper-Nickel (ring) and Brass (center)
Orientation Medal
Mint Italy - Rome (R)
Edge Type reeded with inscription
Edge Inscription 2*, repetată de şase ori, orientată alternativ de sus în jos şi de jos în sus
Designer Luc Luycx & Uliana Pernazza
Catalog prices
*what it means?
UNC $3.50  


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