1 Penny 1961

Added by Alain Martineau
General Description The Tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) is an endemic passerine bird of New Zealand. It is one of the largest members of the diverse honeyeater family.
Obv. Description Queen Elizabeth II facing right
Rev. Description Tui bird sitting on a branch facing leftover the date, denomination on the right
Catalog code KM# 24.2
Mintage 7,200,000
Diameter 31.00 mm
Weight 9.5000 g
Material Bronze
Orientation Medal
Mint -Unknown-
Edge Type plain
Designer ob: Mary Gillick re; L.C. Mitchell
Catalog prices
*what it means?
F $0.20   VF $0.30   XF $1.00   UNC $2.00  


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