100 Lei 2016 - Governors of the National Bank of Romania – Ion I. Câmpineanu, Mihail Manoilescu and Ion I. Lapedatu

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Images copyright National Bank of Romania
General Description Governors of the National Bank of Romania – Ion I. Câmpineanu, Mihail Manoilescu and Ion I. Lapedatu - set of three coins
Issue date: 15/04/2016
Obv. Description A vintage image of the Governor’s Office in the NBR Palace, the inscription “ROMANIA” in an arc, the face value “100 LEI”, Romania’s coat of arms and the year of issue “2016”.
Rev. Description The arc inscriptions “GUVERNATORI AI BANCII NATIONALE A ROMANIEI“ and “I.CAMPINEANU-M.MANOILESCU-I.LAPEDATU”, the portraits of the three governors of the National Bank of Romania.
Mintage Proof 150
Diameter 21.00 mm
Weight 6.4520 g
Material Gold 0.9000
Mint Romania - Bucharest
Edge Type reeded
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


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