25 Bani 1952

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Added by Enache Armand Iustinian , with updated images by modestcol
In personal collections 173
Obv. Description În centru, valoarea nominală 25/BANI şi milesimul 1952. Totul într-o ghirlandă circulară.
Catalog code KM# 85.1
Mintage 43,600,000
Diameter 22.00 mm
Thickness 1.30 mm
Weight 3.6000 g
Material Copper-Nickel
Orientation Coin
Mint Romania - Bucharest
Edge Type reeded
Designer Haralamb Ionescu
Catalog prices
*what it means?
F $2.00   VF $4.00   XF $14.00   UNC $30.00