Half Dollar 1942

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Added by Robert Knapp
In personal collections 7
General Description Half dollar coins have been produced nearly every year since the inception of the United States Mint in 1794. Sometimes referred to as the fifty-cent piece, the only U.S. coin that has been minted more consistently is the cent.
Obv. Description Full-length figure of Liberty striding toward the dawn of a new day, clad in the Stars and Stripes and carrying branches of laurel and oak symbolizing civil and military glory.
Rev. Description A majestic eagle perched on a mountain crag, wings unfolded in a pose suggesting power, with a sapling of mountain pine symbolic of Americas pringing from a rift in the rock.
Catalog code KM# 142
Mintage 47,818,000
Diameter 30.60 mm
Weight 12.5000 g
Material Silver
Orientation Coin
Mint United States of America - Philadelphia (P)
Edge Type reeded
Designer Adolph A. Weinman
Catalog prices
*what it means?
F $7.00   VF $7.50   XF $8.50   UNC $11.00  


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