Quarter Dollar 2016 D - Cumberland Gap

Added by Alain Martineau
In personal collections 10
General Description first issue 4 Avril 2016
Established on June 11, 1940, Cumberland Gap National Historical Park is a United States National Historical Park located at the border between Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia. The Cumberland Gap is a sizable natural break in the Appalachian Mountains.
Rev. Description A frontiersman gazing across the Cumberland Mountains to the Wes
Catalog code KM#636
Mintage 161,400,000
Diameter 24.30 mm
Thickness 1.75 mm
Weight 5.6700 g
Material Copper-Nickel Clad Copper
Orientation Coin
Mint United States of America - Denver (D)
Edge Type reeded
Designer Phebe Hemphill / Joseph F. Menna & Barbara Fox
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Radu Florin

Who has it for trade:
Christie Messer

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