1 Dollar 1981 Corner Brook Silver Jubilee

1 Dollar 1981 Corner Brook Silver Jubilee 1 Dollar 1981 Corner Brook Silver Jubilee
Added by Bruce Weese
General Description : Corner Brook (2006 population: 20,083 CA 26,623) is a city located on the west coast of the island of Newfoundland in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. This city was settled in 1956 and the initial industry that attracted residents was a paper mill. The coin is Nickel and the edge is reeded.
Front Description : The front features the city's coat of arms which depicts an ornately decored shield featuring water and trees symbolizing the city's primary industry. At the top of the coin is the words The City of Cornerbrook. On the left is the city's incorporation date of 1956 and on the right is the city's silver jubilee year 1981. At the bottom are the words Silver Jubiliee.
Back Description : The back features an image of a Newfoundland Dog with the words Newfoundland Dog at the top. At the bottom are the words Value $1.00 in Cornerbrook - expires September 7, 1981. Below the dog there is a hexagonical shape with a horizontal bar through it. This may be a mint mark by the company that produce the medalion.
Diameter 33.20 mm
Full Date 1981
Valability 13 g
Material Metal
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