RAAF Warrant Officer CSM Mark Pentreath 2012

RAAF Warrant Officer CSM Mark Pentreath 2012 RAAF Warrant Officer CSM Mark Pentreath 2012 RAAF Warrant Officer CSM Mark Pentreath 2012
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Warrant Officer Mark Pentreath joined the Australian Regular Army in April 1981 and graduated from Training Squadron, 7th Signal Regiment (EW) in June 1982 as an Operator Signalman.
Warrant Officer Pentreath remustered to the Executive Warrant Officer mustering in April 2008 as the Group Warrant Officer for the Aerospace Operational Support Group (AOSG). He graduated from the Australian Command and Staff College in 2010 - having attended the Foundation Studies and Air Force Single Service components, and was awarded a Conspicuous Service Medal for meritorious service to AOSG on Australia Day 2011. Warrant Officer Pentreath was posted to the Air Force Training Group in 2011 before being appointed as the seventh Warrant Officer of the Air Force on 14 November 2011.
Front Description : Australia Coat of arms
Back Description : Roundel of the Royal Australian Air Force
Diameter 49.00 mm
Material -I do not know-
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


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