CFB Borden

CFB Borden CFB Borden
Added by Alain Martineau
Front Description : The mission of Canadian Forces Base Borden (CFB Borden) is to support all of its customers in the most cost effective manner to enable them to accomplish their missions.
These "customers" include several military training establishments and a variety of other military and civilian organizations located on the base.
On average, CFB Borden trains 15,000 military personnel annually. CFB Borden employs approximately 3,250 military members and approximately 1,500 civilians.
CFB Borden is located approximately 100 Km north of Toronto, in the heart of Simcoe County, one of the major tourist areas in Ontario. CFB Borden is ideally located to service personnel from all across Canada.
Height 23.00 mm
Width 16.00 mm
Material Silver
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet