431 Sqn-Snowbirds

431 Sqn-Snowbirds 431 Sqn-Snowbirds
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : The Snowbirds Demonstration Team (431 Squadron) is a Canadian icon comprised of serving members of the Canadian Forces. Their pilots and technicians work as a team to bring thrilling performances to the North American public. Serving as Canadian ambassadors, the Snowbirds demonstrate the high level of professionalism, teamwork, excellence, discipline and dedication inherent in the women and men of the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Canadian Forces.
The Snowbirds have flown the CT-114 Tutor jet since 1971. The aircraft was designed and built in Canada and was used by the Canadian Forces as its basic pilot training aircraft until 2000.
The jets are painted in a distinctive red and white paint scheme symbolic of Canada's national flag. As members of the nation's military, the Snowbirds are proud to fly Canada's colours across North America.
The Snowbirds are very confident flying the Tutor. It is safe and performs extremely well as a demonstration aircraft.
431 Air Demonstration Squadron
The squadron was reformed April 1, 1978 as 431 Air Demonstration Squadron the "Snowbirds" and the Snowbirds would no longer have to seek yearly approval for their existance.
In the fall of 1999 the Snowbirds celebrated the 25th anniversary thereby qualifying them to receive their squadron colours.
Front Description : Center is the demonstration team logo surrounded by 11 CT-114 Tutor aircraft, some flying right side up and some upside down
Back Description : 431 Squadron logo
The Iroquois Indian's head represents the squadrons nickname. The motto is in Iroquois, Hatiten ronteriios (Warriors of the air)
Diameter 52.00 mm
Material -I do not know-
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet