ISAF GT 1er R22R ROTO 10 Op Athena

ISAF GT 1er R22R ROTO 10 Op Athena ISAF GT 1er R22R ROTO 10 Op Athena
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Joint Task Force Afghanistan comprised all Canadian Forces assets deployed in southwest Asia on Operation ARGUS (September 2005-August 2008), Operation ARCHER (July 2005-August 2009) and Operation ATHENA (July 2003-December 2011). Its established strength was 2,830 personnel, of whom all but 15 to 25 were deployed on Operation ATHENA. The task force was periodically augmented by CF personnel deployed temporarily on technical assistance visits and similar assignments, so the actual strength of the task force could be above establishment on any given day.
Commanding Officer: Lieutenant-Colonel Michel-Henri St-Louis
Regimental Sergeant-Major: Adjudant-chef ric Gravel

The 1st Battalion Royal 22e Rgiment (1 R22eR) Battle Group was the 10th Canadian battle group deployed (Rotation 10) in Kandahar Province to operate as part of the Multi-National Brigade in ISAF Regional Command (South). Like its predecessors, the 1 R22eR Battle Group was formed in Canada and prepared for its tour of duty through months of individual and collective training.
The mission of the 1 R22eR Battle Group was to provide security through counter-insurgency operations throughout Panjwa'i District southwest of Kandahar City in partnership with the Afghan national security forces.
Diameter 45.00 mm
Material -I do not know-
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet


Who wants it:
Denis Mongeon