Rastatt Barockstadt-1977

Rastatt Barockstadt-1977 Rastatt Barockstadt-1977
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Made of a printed image onto aluminum.
Rastatt is a city in the District of Rastatt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is located on the Murg river, 6 km (4 miles) above its junction with the Rhine.
Until the end of the 17th century, Rastatt held little influence, but after its destruction by the French in 1689, it was rebuilt on a larger scale by Louis William, margrave of Baden, the imperial general in the Austro-Ottoman War known popularly as Türkenlouis.
Front Description : The German Schloss Rastatt and the Garden were built between 1700 and 1707 by the Italian master builder Domenico Egidio Rossi as ordered by Markgraf Louis William of Baden.
Height 40.00 mm
Width 27.00 mm
Material Aluminum
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