50 years of truck and bus manufacturing in Brasov

50 years of truck and bus manufacturing in Brasov 50 years of truck and bus manufacturing in Brasov
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description : ROMAN (with the DAC division) is a truck and bus manufacturer from Brasov, Romania. The company was established after World War II on the foundation of the old ROMLOC automotive factory built in 1921. In the spirit of the communist days, the industrial plant was named Steagul Roşu (Red Flag). As of 2000 almost 750,000 trucks had been produced.
Romania Brasov Industrial Park is located in the south of the municipality on an area of ​​approx. 115 ha . Truck factory in Brasov , Roman S. A. has in addition a tradition of almost 90 years , a very troubled history . In 1990 went through many tests: dozens of protests by workers installment dizponibilizări few unsuccessful attempts of privatization. Over the 12 years until the plant privatization has failed to find a low return as being known huge operating losses due to poor management , "helped" and local politicians , but also from Bucharest, who saw than a quick profit from the processing plant in scrap and the land remained empty a beautiful residential park , being encouraged by "experts " foreign ensure that this is the only viable solution because we, Romanians , we can not manufacture quality trucks .
Diameter 65.00 mm
Material -I do not know-
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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Radu Florin Ovidiu-Daniel