Grigore Antipa - National Museum of Natural History - Zoomonetar

Grigore Antipa - National Museum of Natural History - Zoomonetar Grigore Antipa - National Museum of Natural History - Zoomonetar
Added by CRAMIR
General Description : “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History is one of the oldest research institutions in the field of biodiversity and public education. It is in the same time one of the well known and highly appreciated “databases” due to the Museum’s collections, some of them valuable assets of the worldwide thesaurus.
The present headquarter buildings were designed and built at the initiative of Grigore Antipa, director of the museum between 1893 - 1944.
Although its beginnings are related to the “Museum of Natural History and Antiquities” established in 1834 by Mihalache Ghica, the peak of its purpose and brightness was reached in the past century, under the patronage of Grigore Antipa.
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