Take Ionescu - 1908 - Conservative-Democratic Congress

Take Ionescu - 1908 - Conservative-Democratic Congress Take Ionescu - 1908 - Conservative-Democratic Congress
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description : Take or Tache Ionescu (October 25 [O.S. October 13] 1858 – June 2, 1922) was a Romanian centrist politician, journalist, lawyer and diplomat, who also enjoyed reputation as a short story author. Starting his political career as a radical member of the National Liberal Party (PNL), he joined the Conservative Party in 1891, and became noted as a social conservative expressing support for several progressive and nationalist tenets. Ionescu is generally viewed as embodying the rise of middle-class politics inside the early 20th century Kingdom of Romania (occasionally described as Takism), and, throughout the period, promoted a project of Balkan alliances while calling for measures to incorporate the Austro-Hungarian regions of Transylvania, Banat and Bukovina. Representing his own faction inside the Conservative Party, he clashed with the group's leadership in 1907-1908, and consequently created and led his own Conservative-Democratic Party.
Material Bronze
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