Barnes Center for enlisted Education

Barnes Center for enlisted Education Barnes Center for enlisted Education
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : The Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education (The Barnes Center) discharges Air University's responsibility for the education of future enlisted leaders throughout the Air Force. Since its inception in 1993, the College for Enlisted PME has been refining, adapting, and deploying PME curriculum for Enlisted education in the world's best Air Force.
Provide the continuum of education necessary to inspire and develop enlisted leaders with the moral framework of integrity, service and excellence.
Develop Airmen with a Warrior Ethos and a Passion for Leading in the cause of Freedom.
Expand the leadership ability of enlisted leaders and strengthen their commitment to the profession of arms by integrating sound leadership, communication skills, and military studies principles and concepts throughout the ALS, NCOA, and AFSNCOA curricula.
Diameter 50.00 mm
Material -I do not know-
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