Fermont - Kristo

Fermont - Kristo
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description Fermont is a town in northeastern Quebec, Canada, near the Quebec-Labrador border about 23 kilometres from Labrador City on Route 389, which connects to the Trans-Labrador Highway (Newfoundland and Labrador Route 500). It is the seat of the Regional County Municipality of Caniapiscau.
Fermont (French contraction of "Fer Mont", meaning "Iron Mountain") was founded as a company town in the early 1970s to exploit rich iron ore deposits from Mont Wright, that is about 25 kilometres to the west from the town site.
The town is notable for the huge self-contained structure (the Wall french ''le mur'') containing apartments, stores, schools, bars, a hotel, restaurants, a supermarket and swimming pool which shelters a community of smaller apartment buildings and homes on its leeward side. The structure was designed to be a windscreen to the rest of the town. It permits residents (other than mine workers) to never leave the building during the long winter, which usually lasts about seven months.
Material Metal
Attachment type Safety pin
Manufacturing technique Cloisonne Hard Enamel
Height 26.00 mm
Width 25.00 mm
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