Hungary Ethnic Germans Association

Hungary Ethnic Germans Association
Added by Nick Buzea
General Description Germans of Hungary are the German-speaking minority of Hungary commonly called the Danube Swabians. Danube Swabian is a collective term for a number of German ethnic groups who lived in the former Kingdom of Hungary (today's Hungary, Romania, and several former Yugoslav republics). Hungarian Germans refers to the descendants of Germans who immigrated to the Carpathian Basin and surrounding regions, and who are now minorities in those areas. Many Hungarian Germans were expelled from the region between 1946 and 1948, and many now live in Germany or Austria, but also in Brazil, the United States and Canada. However, many are still dispersed within the country of Hungary.
Material Metal
Attachment type Safety pin
Diameter 23.00 mm
Weight 3.00 g
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet