Romanian Revolution of December 1989 association

Romanian Revolution of December 1989 association
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description The Romanian Revolution (Romanian: Revoluția Română) was a series of riots and protests in Romania in December 1989. These were part of the Revolutions of 1989 that occurred in several Warsaw Pact countries. The Romanian Revolution started in the city of Timișoara and soon spread throughout the country. It ultimately resulted in the violent overthrow and execution of longtime Communist leader Nicolae Ceaușescu, and the end the 42 years of Communist rule in Romania. It was the last ouster of a Communist regime in a Warsaw Pact country during the events of 1989, and the only one that forcibly overthrew the country's government and resulted in the death of its leader.
Material Metal
Manufacturing technique Soft Enamel
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet
