Salzburg - Getreidegasse

Salzburg - Getreidegasse Salzburg - Getreidegasse
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description The charm of the Getreidegasse, probably Salzburg's most famous shopping lane, is not only generated by the high, narrow houses tightly nestled together, the enticing shops and the wrought iron guild signs, but also to the romantic passageways and courtyards. The name "Getreidegasse" underwent an interesting transformation. Initially it was known as Trabegasse, Trabgasse or Travgasse, derived from "traben" (to trot). Later it transmuted to Tragasse, Traidgasse, Getreidgasse and finally to Getreidegasse. Thus, the street originally had nothing to do with cereal (Getreide).
The row of buildings along the Judengasse and Getreidegasse developed downstream from the former merchant settlement on the Waagplatz ("weighing square"). They were prevented from further expansion by private property borders to the south and west and by the city walls and the Salzach River to the north.
Catalog code - S1M - 195
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