Lillooet - Aerial view

Lillooet - Aerial view Lillooet - Aerial view
Added by Alain Martineau
Front Description Lillooet is a community on the Fraser River in western Canada, about 240 kilometres up the British Columbia Railway line from Vancouver. Situated at an intersection of deep gorges in the lee of the Coast Mountains, it has a dry climate- 329.5 millimetres of precipitation is recorded annually at the town's weather station, although nearby microclimates (some within a few hundred metres of the station) receive less than 50 mm of precipitation over small patches of benchland flanking the river adjacent to town. Lillooet has a long growing season, and once had prolific market gardens and orchard produce. It often experiences extremely hot summers with shade temperatures more than occasionally topping 40 °C and it often vies with nearby Lytton for the title of "Canada's Hot Spot" on a daily basis in summer.
Height 104.00 mm
Width 148.00 mm
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