Niagara Falls - Horseshoe Falls (1960)

Niagara Falls - Horseshoe Falls (1960)
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description The Horseshoe Falls, also known as the Canadian Falls, as most of it lies in Canada, is part of Niagara Falls, on the Niagara River. Approximately 90% of the Niagara River, after diversions for hydropower generation, flows over Horseshoe Falls. The remaining 10% flows over the American Falls. It is located between Terrapin Point on Goat Island in the US state of New York, and Table Rock on the Ontario side of the falls. According to official U.S. Geological Survey maps (see References [7][8] below), approximately two-thirds of Horseshoe Falls is located in Ontario, Canada with the remaining one-third in New York, United States of America.
Height 90.00 mm
Width 140.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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