North Bay - The Quints home museum

North Bay - The Quints home museum North Bay - The Quints home museum
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description On May 28, 1934 one of the most remarkable events in the last century took place when five identical girls were born in Corbeil east of Callander on what is now highway 94. With the combined birth weight of 13lbs 5 oz they were the only known quintuplets to have lived. An estimated three million people came to see them in the “Quintland” complex in the middle of the Depression providing a tremendous boost to the local economy. Like many celebrities today their life has been followed by millions in newspaper and magazine articles, several books, movies, and a television mini series based on their life. One permanent repository of artifacts of their life is the Dionne Quints Museum at Highways 11 and 17 at Seymour St. in North Bay.
Height 103.00 mm
Width 149.00 mm
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