1971 Percé Rock

1971 Percé Rock 1971 Percé Rock
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description It is a magnificent piece of landscape which rises out of the sea. As you drive into the town of Percé atop the tall hills, you see the wonderful little village below, the sea, the sky, Bonaventure Island and most of all Percé Rock - the limestone formation that most Canadians have never seen except in pictures. Europeans and Quebecers have marvelled at it for years.
Front Description It is a phenomenal sight when you come over the bluff of the highway and see this spectacular rock jutting out from the water, it is breathtaking and only can be experienced by being there. It takes my breath away to see this beautiful site not created by man but by the wonders of nature.”
Height 88.00 mm
Width 139.00 mm
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