Dunkirk-St. Eloi church

Dunkirk-St. Eloi church Dunkirk-St. Eloi church
Added by Alain Martineau
Front Description The church of St-Éloi was originally founded in the 7th century by Saint Eloi. It's current edifice was erected in 1567 but the church burned down in 1558. It was rebuilt in the 18th century and remodelled in the 19th century. It has an 18th neo-classical Gothic facade, created by the architect Adolf Dunkirk Van Moe, and a pyramid roofline along the side aisles and apse.

It has five aisles and features stained glass by the master glassworker Gaudin. It's claim to fame though is that on the north side of the chancel a white marble slab marks the tomb of Dunkirk's most famous son, Jean Bart.
Height 103.00 mm
Width 149.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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