Mount Athos-Dionysiou monastery

Mount Athos-Dionysiou monastery Mount Athos-Dionysiou monastery
Added by ilie olteanu , with updated images by Alain Martineau
Front Description Dochiariou monastery (Greek: Μονή Δοχειαρείου) is an Eastern Orthodox monastery at the monastic state of Mount Athos in Greece. It was founded in the 10th century, and is dedicated to the memory of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. It celebrates its patronal feastday on November 8th (21st, Gregorian style). The monastery also houses the icon of the Virgin "Gorgoypikoos" or "She who is Quick to Hear." The monastery ranks tenth in the hierarchy of the Athonite monasteries. The library holds 545 manuscripts, 62 of which are on parchment, and more than 5,000 printed books.
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