Curtea de Argeş - Legendary Mesterul Manole well

Curtea de Argeş - Legendary Mesterul Manole well
Added by Alexandru Dan
General Description In the vecinty of the monastery one can find the well of the legendary Mesterul Manole, the inspiration for a number of folk ballads. According to the legend, Mesterul Manole walled in his wife in order to stop the walls from collapsing. When the emperor saw the magnificents building asked the 10 craftsmen working on its walls whether they could build an even nicer building. The craftsmen said yes, and in order to prevent this the emperor ordered the dismantling of the scaffolds leaving the craftsmen on the roof. The latter produced wing of shingle and jumped, but they all parished.
The place where Manole has fallen gave birth to a spring, the Manole well. People say that sometimes a white sparkling fog rises from Manole well towards the monastery.
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Who has it for trade:
Alexandru Dan