Giurgiu - Muzeul Judeţean "Teohari Antonescu"

Giurgiu - Muzeul Judeţean "Teohari Antonescu"
Added by Alexandru Dan
General Description The museum exists since 1934. The materials collected were housed in a room of the Lyceum "Ion Maiorescu" courtesy of its director, Savin Popescu. Based on the excavations by Prof. Dumitru Berciu, in the '50s Giurgiu District Museum was established within Bucharest, started by a group of enthusiasts, including Radulescu and Mihai Ionescu. The museum began with a collection of natural sciences, and acquired a mixed profile, adding collections of art and archeology. After 1968, with the administrative reorganization, became a museum for Ilfov county. On the eve of the centenary of Independence, museum, hosted by then in a modest house, moved into the former building of the Prefecture, he still operated as a department of Ilfov County Museum. After 1990 the museum returned to the old name, the independent county museum. Has subordinated museum Floreşti-Stoieneşti. The building is historic seat of the former prefecture of Vlaşca. Dating from the first body. nineteenth century (1877-1878), and in 1903 it increased and modernized. The exhibits and preserve pieces of history; Archaeology: Paleolithic lithic material, pottery and idols from the Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age, tools, pottery, jewelry, coins (13 hoards, a collection consists of 2,500 pieces of gold, silver and base metal) weapons, documents of the Middle Ages and the modern era; ethnography. You can visit eight rooms on the ground floor, comprising three rooms and old ancient history; stands idols Neolithic anthropomorphic and zoomorphic vessels from Sultana (Gumelniţa culture), objects of culture Tei. Three rooms are dedicated to medieval history: collection of fortress artillery shells Giurgiu, ceramic sgrafitto. Modern history shows Halls period from 1821 to Alexandru Ioan Cuza armorial frontispiece in marble buildings, collection of maps, including Giurgiu City Plan 1790, prepared by Austrian recent acquisition; Local news, Giurgiu shipyard history (centennial), a collection of over 19,000 periodicals: full collection "Resboiul", "Royal Foundations," "Life Romanian", "flame", "Ant", etc.., painting (Sava Hentia, Vermont, Corneliu Baba, Basarab, Theo Sion, Ştiubei etc.), sculpture (Romanelli), graphics (Bulgăraş); collection of ancient coins, medieval and modern; library, old books.
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Who has it for trade:
Alexandru Dan