Postcards Catalog - Lenauheim, Romania


Lenauheim is a commune in Timiş County, Banat, Romania. It is composed of three villages: Bulgăruș, Grabaț and Lenauheim.The name Lenauheim is official since 1926. It was also called Cetad or Cetat in Romanian; Schadat, Schaddat or Tschatad in German; and Csatád in Hungarian. Bulgăruș is called Bogarosch in German and Bogarós in Hungarian. The German name for Grabaț is Grabatz, while in Hungarian, it is Garabos.The Lenauheim village was founded by German colonists (Banat Swabians) in 1767. Originally called Csatád, in 1926 the village was renamed Lenauheim after the poet Nikolaus Lenau who was born here.

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