Rosas (1971)

Rosas (1971)
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description In the 20th century, notably in the period after World War II, Roses has profited enormously from the growth of tourism.
Over the last decades important excavations have been carried out inside the walls of the Ciutadella. This concerns not only the Greek and Roman remains, but also part of the medieval city and its walls. In the 1990s extensive restoration work was carried out on the walls of the Ciutadella, and in 2004 a museum was opened inside it. A somewhat controversial restoration of the Castell de Trinitat was formally completed in 2010.
Roses was the home of El Bulli, one of the world's best and most famous restaurants, from 1961 until its closure in July 2011. El Bulli had held three Michelin stars since 1997 and was rated the world's best restaurant for four years running since 2005 by Restaurant Magazine.
Height 101.00 mm
Width 149.00 mm
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