Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Maspalomas Hotels and beaches

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Maspalomas Hotels and beaches
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, commonly known as Las Palmas is the co-capital (jointly with Santa Cruz) and the most populous city in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, and the ninth largest city in Spain. Las Palmas is the largest city of the European Union lying outside the European Continent. It is located in the northeast part of the Spanish island of Gran Canaria, about 150 kilometres off the northwestern coast of Africa within the Atlantic Ocean.
Las Palmas enjoys a subtropical climate, with mild to warm temperatures throughout the year. According to a study carried out by Thomas Whitmore, director of research on climatology at Syracuse University in the United States, Las Palmas enjoys "the best climate in the world".
Catalog code RO 619
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet