Dartmoor - Pony and Foal

Dartmoor - Pony and Foal
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description Dartmoor is an area of moorland in south Devon, England. Protected by National Park status as Dartmoor National Park, it covers 954 square kilometres (368 sq mi).
The granite which forms the uplands dates from the Carboniferous Period of geological history. The moorland is capped with many exposed granite hilltops known as tors, providing habitats for Dartmoor wildlife. The highest point is High Willhays, 621 m (2,037 ft) above sea level. The entire area is rich in antiquities and archaeology.
Dartmoor is managed by the Dartmoor National Park Authority, whose 22 members are drawn from Devon County Council, local district councils and Government.
Parts of Dartmoor have been used as military firing ranges for over 200 years. The public enjoy extensive access rights to Dartmoor (including restricted access to the firing ranges) and it is a popular tourist destination. The organisation responsible for tourism on Dartmoor is the Dartmoor Partnership.
Catalog code Valentine's M664
Height 140.00 mm
Width 90.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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