URSS - Leningrad - A. S. Pushkin Leningrad Academic Drama Theater

URSS - Leningrad - A. S. Pushkin Leningrad Academic Drama Theater URSS - Leningrad - A. S. Pushkin Leningrad Academic Drama Theater
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General Description A. S. Pushkin Leningrad Academic Drama Theater; called the Aleksandrinskii Theater from 1832 to 1920), the oldest Russian theater. The St. Petersburg company was founded in 1756, when the first permanent Russian public theater was created.
The history of the theater is inseparable from the art of the famous Russian stage artists who performed there. Among its leading actors were F. G. Volkov, I. A. Dmitrevskii, and Ia. D. Shumskii, and its repertoire included Sumarokov’s and Ia. B. Kniazhnin’s tragedies directed against tyranny, V. V. Kapnist’s and D. I. Fonvizin’s satirical comedies, works by Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, and Molière, and comic operas.
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