7 schilling - Kloster Loretto 1987

7 schilling -  Kloster Loretto 1987
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Definitive stamp
Loretto, today a district of the municipality Leithaprodersdorf with about 270 inhabitants situated on the northern slopes of the Leitha Mountains near the state capital of Burgenland, Eisenstadt. Decisive for this place name was Loreto, near Ancona on Italy's Adriatic coast, where since the end of the 13th Century, a small building made ​​of sandstone and brick, standing, which had become a center of Marian devotion. This pilgrimage began in Italy in the 17th Century, the history of the monastery and the village Loretto, Burgenland. The owner of the rule Hornstein, Hans Rudolf von Stotzingen had brought home from a trip to Italy a copy of the miraculous image of Loretto, which was initially set up in his castle in Seibersdorf. On 8 September 1644, this statue in a newly built replica of the Holy House at the point of transfer from the Turks in 1529 destroyed St. John's Chapel at Loretto. Thus began the influx of pilgrims to Loreto. In order to secure the pastoral care of the pilgrims, the neighboring Stotzing was elevated to parish and transferred to the Order of Servite. Soon, in addition to the Loretto Chapel was built a small monastery. Today's Parish and Pilgrimage Church of the Immaculate Conception is a baroque building of the 17th and 18 Century between the cloister and the chapel of the monastery.
Face value 7 Shilling
Catalog code (Michel) AT 1894
Catalog code (Scott) AT 1362
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier AT 1723 Stanley Gibbons AT 2002 AFA number AT 1786 ANK AT 1925 Unificato AT 1723
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Issue date 14/08/1987
Designer Werner Pfeiler
Print technique Photogravure and Recess
Perforation 14 x 13¾ (comb)
Height 27.00 mm
Width 33.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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