6 schilling - Schemen Parade at Imst 1996

6 schilling - Schemen Parade at Imst 1996
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : The Schemen Parade at Imst is one of the most famous carnival traditions of the Alps. Nevertheless, it´s origin can only be speculated. Modern folklore regards the Schemen Parade as a pre-Lent "festivity carried on since the Late Middle Ages". Though the spectacle was forbidden during the Counter-Reformation and the Enlightenment, it is thanks to the strong Tyrolean bond with tradition that it has been handed down through to the present and successfully asserts itself against commercialization.
Special issue stamp Artist: Alfred Nefe
Face value 6 Shilling
Catalog code (Michel) AT 2177
Catalog code Stamp Number AT 1694 Yvert et Tellier AT 2006 Stanley Gibbons AT 2418 AFA number AT 2069 ANK AT 2210 Unificato AT 2006
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 2.900.000
Issue date 09/02/1996
Designer Elmar Peintner
Print technique Photogravure and Recess
Printed by Österreichische Staatsdruckerei
Perforation comb 13¾
Height 32.00 mm
Width 36.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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