40 Centimes 1915 - Church Notre Dame - Dinant

40 Centimes 1915 - Church Notre Dame - Dinant
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : The city's landmark is the Collegiate Church of Notre-Dame. It was rebuilt in Gothic style on its old foundations after falling rocks from the adjacent cliff partially destroyed the former Romanesque style church in 1227. Several stages for a pair of towers on the west end were completed before the project was abandoned in favour of the present central tower with a famous onion dome and facetted multi-staged lantern.
Face value 40 Centimes
Catalog code (Michel) BE 122A
Catalog code (Scott) BE 117
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier BE 143 Stanley Gibbons BE 189 AFA number BE 122 Belgium BE 143 Unificato BE 143
Stamp colour black / green
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Issue date 15/10/1915
Print technique recess
Printed by Waterlow Brothers and Layton Ltd
Perforation 14
Height 26.00 mm
Width 32.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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