50 Centimes 1915 - University Library - Leuven

50 Centimes 1915 - University Library - Leuven
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : The University Library was, as most of the inner town, destroyed by the Germans during the first world war. It was rebuilt by the American architect Whitney Warren, as a gift of the American people to the town. It was reopened on July, 4th, 1928.
Face value 50 Centimes
Catalog code (Michel) BE 123A
Catalog code (Scott) BE 118
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier BE 144 Stanley Gibbons BE 190 AFA number BE 123A Belgium BE 144 Unificato BE 144
Stamp colour black / carmine
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Issue date 15/10/1915
Print technique recess
Printed by Waterlow and Sons, London
Perforation 14
Height 26.00 mm
Width 32.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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