10 + 5 Centimes 1944 - Bayard

10 + 5 Centimes 1944 - Bayard
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Bayard (French: Bayard; Italian: Baiardo; Dutch: (Ros) Beiaard) is a magic bay horse in the legends derived from the chansons de geste, renowned for his spirit, and possessed the supernatural ability to adjust his size to his riders.

Bayard first appears as the property of Renaud de Montauban (Italian: Rinaldo) in the Old French twelfth century chanson de geste Quatre Fils Aymon. The horse was capable of carrying Rinaldo and his three brothers ("the four sons of Aymon") all at the same time and of understanding human speech. Near the end of the work, Renaud is forced to cede Bayard to Charlemagne who, as punishment for the horse's exploits, has a large stone tied to Bayard's neck and the horse pushed into the river; Bayard however smashes the stone with his hooves and escapes to live forever more in the woods.
Face value 10 + 5 Centimes
Catalog code (Michel) BE 673
Catalog code Stamp Number BE B385 Yvert et Tellier BE 653 Stanley Gibbons BE 1054 AFA number BE 663 Belgium BE 653 Unificato BE 653
Stamp colour dark violet brown
Stamp use Semi Postal stamp
Print run 2.426.715
Issue date 25/06/1944
Designer Hayez
Print technique photogravure
Perforation 11 1/2
Height 28.00 mm
Width 39.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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