1 Franc 1963 - Jules Destrée

1 Franc 1963 - Jules Destrée
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Jules Destrée (Marcinelle, 21 August 1863 – Brussels, 3 January 1936) was a Walloon lawyer, cultural critic and socialist politician. The trials subsequent to the strikes of 1886 determined his commitment within the Belgian Labour Party. He wrote a Letter to the King in 1912, which is seen as the founding declaration of the Walloon movement. He is famous for his quote "Il n'y a pas de Belges" (There are no Belgians), pointing to the lack of patriotic feelings in Flemings and Walloons, while pleading for some kind of federal state.
Face value 1 Franc
Catalog code (Michel) BE 1329
Catalog code Stamp Number BE 600 Yvert et Tellier BE 1269 Stanley Gibbons BE 1871 AFA number BE 1349 Belgium BE 1269 Unificato BE 1269
Stamp colour lilac purple
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 3.600.000
Issue date 16/11/1963
Print technique recess
Perforation 11 1/2
Height 28.00 mm
Width 39.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet