17 Francs / 0,42 Euro 2001 - Zénobe Gramme

17 Francs / 0,42 Euro 2001 - Zénobe Gramme
Added by Bart Perdieus
General Description : Zénobe Théophile Gramme (4 April 1826, Amay - 20 January 1901) was a Belgian electrical engineer. He invented the Gramme machine, a type of direct current dynamo capable of generating smoother (less AC) and much higher voltages than the dynamos known to that point.
Face value 17 Francs / 0,42 Euro
Catalog code (Michel) BE 3028
Catalog code (Scott) BE 1843
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier BE 2973 Stanley Gibbons BE 3619 AFA number BE 3035 Belgium BE 2978 Unificato BE 2977
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Issue date 17/03/2001
Designer Charley Case
Paper type Stamp
Print technique photogravure
Perforation 11 1/2
Height 40.00 mm
Width 27.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet