3¢ 1964 - Family

3¢ 1964 - Family
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Picture engraved by Allan Alexander Carswell
Lettering engraved by Gordon Mash
The stamps illustrated on this folder are the first special Christmas issues in Canadian postal history. They will go on sale October 14th and will remain in use during the Christmas season. The stamps, which will be printed by the steel engraving intaglio process, will show a family group of a man, a woman, and two children in silhouette, walking off towards a Christmas star in a typical Canadian winter scene. The design is intended to express the feeling of Christmas as a religious and family occasion, and at the same time to portray the scene in a Canadian environment. It is also meant to tie in with the study of the family's place in contemporary Canadian life which was held last summer under the sponsorship of the Governor General and Madame Vanier. Although Canada produced a stamp bearing the words "Xmas 1898" in 1898, the 1964 issues are the first Canadian postage stamps intended especially for use on Christmas mails. The three cent denomination is the stamp used for unsealed Christmas greeting cards, and the five cent value is the usual rate for first class or sealed letters. Both stamps will be the regular or small size, similar to general issue postage stamps.
Face value $0.03 Cents
Catalog code (Michel) CA 379Exl
Catalog code (Scott) CA 434asl
Series Christmas
Stamp colour scarlet
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 308,020,000
Issue date 14/10/1964
Designer Harvey Thomas Prosser
Paper type Non-Flourescent
Print technique Steel engraving intaglio process
Printed by Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited
Perforation 12
Height 21.00 mm
Width 25.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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