12¢ Joseph-Elzéar Bernier 1977

12¢ Joseph-Elzéar Bernier 1977
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Joseph-Elzéar Bernier, 1852-1934
Mankind will always need the inspiration of heroes from the past. The Post Office remembers one such man of renown, Captain Joseph-E1zéar Bernier, by issuing a stamp in his honour. Joseph-Elzéar Bernier was born in 1852 to a nautical family. At age 12 he started work as a shipbuilder and soon went to sea. His father, the captain, believed that once a boy had reached the outer limits of nausea, he would never be seasick again. When the first storm of the voyage arose, young Bernier "was lashed to the windlass on top of the fo'c'sle, where (he) would feel the full effect of the pitching and rolling of the vessel." Released two hours later, he had to finish his duties before collapsing in his bunk. Bernier, however, was not only tough, but also smart, and at age seventeen, he himself became a captain. During a varied career that makes the adventures of Davy Crockett seem dull, Bernier cultivated his growing fascination with the Arctic and stimulated national awareness of the area. As commander of several expeditions aboard the CGS Arctic, he claimed islands and established police posts, thereby strengthening Canadian sovereignty in the wild north. The Bernier stamp was designed by Will Davies of Toronto. Mr. Davies' design features a portrait of Captain Bernier in setting which relate to significant event in his life. The Bernier stamp shows the CGS Arctic caught in the ice during one of Captain Bernier's arctic expeditions. The design was interpreted in steel engraving by Robert Couture from Mr. Davies' original line and wash drawing.
Face value 12 Cents
Catalog code (Michel) CA 667
Catalog code (Scott) CA 738
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier CA 640 Stanley Gibbons CA 892
Stamp colour grey blue
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 12,000,000
Issue date 16/09/1977
Designer Will Davies
Paper type two fluorescent bands
Print technique recess
Printed by British American Bank Note Company
Perforation 13 x 13.5
Height 24.00 mm
Width 40.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet