4 Kopeks 1983 - Madonna and Child under Apple Tree, Lucas Cranach the Elder

4 Kopeks 1983 - Madonna and Child under Apple Tree, Lucas Cranach the Elder
Added by Iordache Gabriel
Face value 4 Kopeks
Catalog code (Michel) SU 5329
Catalog code (Scott) SU 5199
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier SU 5050; Stanley Gibbons SU 5382; AFA number SU 5282; Zagorskiy SU 5381
Series German Paintings in Hermitage Museum
Place in series 1
Stamp colour multicolor
Watermark Shield and Cyrillic Letters Multiple [Up]
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 4.900.000
Issue date 10/11/1983
Designer German Komlev
Paper type varnish coated
Print technique Offset lithography
Perforation comb 12 x 12ΒΌ
Height 52.00 mm
Width 37.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet