20 Ekuele - V. Gorbatko, Y. Glazcov and "Soyuz 24"

20 Ekuele - V. Gorbatko, Y. Glazcov and "Soyuz 24"
Added by Iordache Gabriel
General Description : Series:
Soviet space program
Face value 20 Equatorial Guinean ekuele
Catalog code (Michel) GQ 1275
Catalog code Stamp Number GQ 77-129; Yvert et Tellier GQ PA98-A
Series Programul spațial sovietic - Guineea Ecuatoriala 1978
Place in series 7
Stamp colour Multicolor
Stamp use Airmail stamp
Issue date 17/01/1978
Paper type Stamp
Print technique Offset lithography
Perforation comb 12¼ x 12
Height 52.00 mm
Width 37.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet